Flavor: WordPress MS | WordPress.org https://wordpress.org/showcase The Best WordPress Sites in the World Tue, 07 Aug 2018 16:59:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2-alpha-54954 https://s.w.org/favicon.ico?2 Flavor: WordPress MS | WordPress.org https://wordpress.org/showcase 32 32 Qube Global Software https://wordpress.org/showcase/qube-global-software/ https://wordpress.org/showcase/qube-global-software/#respond Tue, 07 Aug 2018 16:32:06 +0000 https://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=6908 Read the WordPress Case Study, submitted by Moove Agency, a WordPress web design agency & WordPress company from London.

This site was built with WordPress and resulted in a fantastic ongoing relationship between Moove Agency and its client, Qube Global Software. WordPress, WordPress Multisite, and its available plugins made it possible to create several awesome sites from one master theme. Choosing these tools was key in a successful and sustainable project, enabling teams to easily maintain their own websites.

https://wordpress.org/showcase/qube-global-software/feed/ 0
BBC America https://wordpress.org/showcase/bbc-america/ Mon, 14 Jan 2013 17:34:34 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=4907

Presenting Britain’s best shows and groundbreaking American originals, BBC America is home to brilliant television from both sides of the pond.

Why it’s in the Showcase: This giant WordPress Multisite install is the home for all the BBC America shows. Each site has its own child theme which is powered by the main framework.

Boise State https://wordpress.org/showcase/boise-state/ https://wordpress.org/showcase/boise-state/#respond Tue, 09 Oct 2012 02:18:52 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=5005 Boise State University is Idaho’s largest institution of higher education offering nearly 200 degrees and certificates in seven colleges.

Why it’s in the Showcase: The Boise State University is an excellent example of using WordPress as an enterprise-class CMS. The theme is fully responsive and optimized for screen sizes ranging from smartphones to desktops. The global navigation and emergency notifications are managed centrally, and updates are pushed out to over 200 separate WordPress multisite instances within minutes.

https://wordpress.org/showcase/boise-state/feed/ 0
Spotted by Locals https://wordpress.org/showcase/spotted-by-locals/ https://wordpress.org/showcase/spotted-by-locals/#respond Sat, 07 Apr 2012 00:41:20 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=4544 Spotted by Locals is a series of mobile and online city guides with up-to-date tips by locals in 41 cities in Europe.

Why it’s in the Showcase: Spotted by Locals uses WordPress Multisite to create user-submitted web and mobile guides to cities around the world.

https://wordpress.org/showcase/spotted-by-locals/feed/ 0
OpenView Venture Partners https://wordpress.org/showcase/openview-venture-partners/ https://wordpress.org/showcase/openview-venture-partners/#respond Tue, 14 Feb 2012 21:00:18 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=3918 OpenView Venture Partners is a venture capital firm focused on helping technology companies turn their vision into reality. Everything we do is focused on finding, capitalizing and assisting expansion stage technology companies and accelerating their pursuit to become market leading organizations.

Why it’s in the Showcase: OpenView has upped it’s web presence using WordPress Multisite to power it’s 3 main counterparts, a blog, a corporate site and a labs website. All 3 sites are interconnected and have been built with a centralized theme that works hand in hand with multisite’s powerful subdomain functionality.

https://wordpress.org/showcase/openview-venture-partners/feed/ 0
Eastman School of Music https://wordpress.org/showcase/eastman-school-of-music/ https://wordpress.org/showcase/eastman-school-of-music/#respond Thu, 01 Sep 2011 22:40:10 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=3749 Eastman has long been known for the highest standards of performance, scholarship, creativity, and teaching. Its illustrious roster of alums serves as historic testament to a legacy that began some 80 years ago, founded on a simple cornerstone: “For the enrichment of community life.”

Why it’s in the Showcase: The site uses WordPress as a CMS largely powered by WordPress multisite with a custom theme and plugins.

https://wordpress.org/showcase/eastman-school-of-music/feed/ 0
Animal Politico https://wordpress.org/showcase/animal-politico/ https://wordpress.org/showcase/animal-politico/#respond Sun, 31 Jul 2011 22:42:50 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=3331 Animal Politico is an all online political newspaper from Mexico with over 350K monthly readers.

Why it’s in the Showcase: The entire website is a WordPress MultiSite installation customized to fit the needs of the publisher. Behind the scenes there are custom user profiles, Facebook Connect, blogs for authors, custom sub-sites that are used as discussion forums, and MailChimp integration.

https://wordpress.org/showcase/animal-politico/feed/ 0
Greek Schools’ Network https://wordpress.org/showcase/greek-schools-network/ https://wordpress.org/showcase/greek-schools-network/#respond Thu, 06 Jan 2011 05:34:32 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=2981

The official social network site for the members of Greek Schools’ Network (schools, teachers and students). A place to discuss and exchange ideas and to blog.

Why it’s in the Showcase: Greek Schools’ network is the largest educational-focused BuddyPress installation in Greece. It currently has approximately 7,500 members and has the potential to grow much larger.

https://wordpress.org/showcase/greek-schools-network/feed/ 0
Adobe Blogs https://wordpress.org/showcase/adobe-blogs/ https://wordpress.org/showcase/adobe-blogs/#respond Fri, 29 Oct 2010 19:05:20 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=2857

Adobe is a world leading software company that makes popular software products ranging from Photoshop to Flash.

Why it’s in the Showcase: Adobe uses more than 1,200 blogs that are all powered by WordPress.

https://wordpress.org/showcase/adobe-blogs/feed/ 0
The Daily Cougar https://wordpress.org/showcase/the-daily-cougar/ Sun, 13 Jun 2010 01:02:50 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=2585

The Daily Cougar is the official student newspaper of the University of Houston since 1934, publishing daily during the regular academic school year.

Why it’s in the Showcase: The Daily Cougar uses a custom built WordPress MU installation to provide daily news to and host reader blogs. The site demonstrates WordPress’ capability to effectively manage large amounts of content.

Temple Fox MIS https://wordpress.org/showcase/temple-fox-mis/ Tue, 25 May 2010 01:33:21 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=2573

The new social media enabled site for the top 10 ranked Department of Management Information Systems, at the Fox School of Business, Temple University.

Why it’s in the Showcase: The Temple Fox MIS site applies WordPress MU and BudyPress to create an educational community in which close to a thousand members teach/take courses (as blogs), create personal e-portfolios (replacing student resumes), learn about and engage with each other (through BuddyPress), and aggregate their knowledge (through aggregated RSS feeds, e.g, of faculty research). The site uses WordPress MU and BuddyPress as a replacement for traditional websites, course management systems, portals, and traditional resumes to create an active open community. The site showcases the full power of MU as a CMS and BuddyPress as a social networking tool. More information about the site is available here.

Un Blog https://wordpress.org/showcase/un-blog/ Wed, 23 Dec 2009 20:57:47 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=2395

Un Blog provides French language free blog hosting.

Why it’s in the Showcase: Un Blog is among the oldest WordPress MU sites and with more than 560,000 blogs, also among the largest WordPress MU sites.

University of Maine https://wordpress.org/showcase/university-of-maine/ Tue, 13 Oct 2009 03:41:37 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=2349

UMaine.edu is the premiere Web site for the University of Maine. UMaine is located in the town of Orono, along the banks of the Stillwater River and offers a strong traditional education at an affordable price. UMaine help students create success stories – with a wide variety of programs and opportunities – and we do so with world-class faculty members, nationally recognized research; first-rate facilities; a friendly, safe atmosphere; and easy access to some of the best year-round recreation sites in the nation.

Why it’s in the Showcase: UMaine.edu uses WordPress MU as a customizable CMS and branding engine for the various departments and units that make up the whole of UMaine. The web development team is continuously creating new plugins and modifying appropriately licensed plug-ins to further the goals of UMaine’s online presence.

Contexts Magazine https://wordpress.org/showcase/contexts-magazine/ Thu, 13 Aug 2009 23:05:31 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=2287

Contexts Magazine is a peer-reviewed magazine of the American Sociological Association. It strives to make academic sociological research accessible and relevant for anyone interested in how society works. In 2008, the editorial office of Contexts (at the University of Minnesota) launched contexts.org, which not only features content from the magazine, but is also home to a community of around a dozen blogs authored by sociologists around the country. WordPress MU is behind the entire site.

Why it’s in the Showcase: For an academic audience and publishers, contexts.org is a bold step in taking a traditional publication online and expanding its mission to include blogging. For non-academics, contexts.org is a leading portal to learn about how sociologists approach the world. The site host blogs on media and culture, politics and technology, data and graphic design, and more.

BGSU Blogs https://wordpress.org/showcase/bowling-green-state-university-blogs/ Mon, 01 Jun 2009 18:23:21 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=1951 The blogs at Bowling Green State University (BGSU), a public university with about 20,000 students in Ohio, are an open collection of student, faculty, and staff blogs covering everything from campus activities to architecture in Second Life. The site has more than 2,000 active blogs.

Why it’s in the Showcase: BGSU is one of a growing number of universities using WordPress MU to offer a free blog to any interested student, faculty, or staff member.

Metblogs https://wordpress.org/showcase/metblogs/ Sat, 28 Feb 2009 01:26:42 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=1728

Metroblogging is the world’s largest network of city focused blogs, covering local issues in over 50 cities around the world.

Metroblogging started off as a more locally focused alternative news source in Los Angeles and has turned into the largest and fastest growing network of city-specific blogs on the Web. We got sick of reading local news that was syndicated from the other side of the country, or was just repurposed national chit chat that had nothing to do with our city. We created our first blog as a throw back to the days when a local news paper focused on local issues, and you could walk down to the corner coffee shop and chat up the reporters whose column you read earlier that day. This idea didn’t stay in one city for long and before we knew it there were Metblogs in Chicago, Portland, Karachi, and Vienna. Today there are over 50 Metblogs in countries all over the world. Local politics, event reviews, lunch recommendations and ways to avoid that big traffic jam downtown. If it’s happening in our cities, we’re on it.

We are bloggers first and foremost, and we love our cities. Even the parts we hate.

UMW Blogs https://wordpress.org/showcase/umw-blogs/ Wed, 10 Dec 2008 02:48:29 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=1350

A publishing platform for the University of Mary Washington community.

Institute of Network Cultures https://wordpress.org/showcase/institute-of-network-cultures/ Wed, 10 Dec 2008 02:42:18 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=1347

The Institute of Network Cultures is a media research centre that actively contributes to the field of network cultures through research, events, publications and online dialogue.

The University Of British Columbia https://wordpress.org/showcase/the-university-of-british-columbia/ Mon, 08 Dec 2008 22:44:07 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=1334

UBC Blogs is an e-Learning initiative being spearheaded by the Office of Learning Technology at The University Of British Columbia.

die tageszeitung https://wordpress.org/showcase/die-tageszeitung/ Fri, 07 Nov 2008 02:48:35 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=1117 Writers and bloggers from die tageszeitung (also known as taz), a cooperative-owned German daily newspaper that was founded in Berlin in 1978.

Foreign Policy Blogs https://wordpress.org/showcase/foreign-policy-blogs/ Wed, 05 Nov 2008 01:37:05 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=1001

Foreign Policy Blogs is a fast-growing network of blogs on global issues hosted by the Foreign Policy Association. Currently you will find the most recent posts from our team of Great Decisions Bloggers for 2007, featuring the Middle East, Climate Change, Mexico, Migration, South Africa, War Crimes, Central Asia and Children’s Rights.  We’ve also added an Election 2008 blog that is monitoring foreign policy issues related to the Democratic and Republic primary contests for the 2008 U.S.  presidential election.  Stay tuned for 2008 Great Decisions blogs on Iraq, the European Union, U.S. Diplomacy, Russia, U.S. Defense Policy, Latin America, U.S.-China Trade and Philanthropy.

University of Calgary https://wordpress.org/showcase/university-of-calgary/ Tue, 04 Nov 2008 03:08:48 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=911

A publishing platform for the academic community of the University of Calgary.

University of Berlin https://wordpress.org/showcase/university-of-berlin/ Tue, 04 Nov 2008 01:31:29 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=901

Universitäten und andere Bildungsinstitutionen leben nicht zuletzt von vielfältigen internationalen Kontakten zu anderen Hochschulen und Organisationen, die der Forschung und Lehre entscheidende Impulse geben. Blogs bieten in diesem Zusammenhang eine zeitgemäße Möglichkeit, Kontakte auf wissenschaftlicher und individueller Ebene zu pflegen, zu intensivieren und zu erweitern.

Universities and other educational institutions do not live as a wide variety of international contacts with other universities and organizations, research and teaching crucial momentum. Blogs offer in this context a contemporary way, and scientific contacts at the individual level to maintain, intensify and expand.

Flokka https://wordpress.org/showcase/flokka/ Sat, 01 Nov 2008 06:35:23 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=725

flokka is a place for women in business and leadership… start-ups, mom-preneurs, solo-preneurs, intra-preneurs, self-employed, partners, business owners, managers, directors, CEOs, thought leaders, professionals and those dreaming of starting their own business… whether you work from home or city offices; whether you are based in the South Island of New Zealand or Manhattan; New York and whatever you do… this is a place for you.

flokka is designed to inspire, encourage and develop you and your business with practical and valuable business related resources, advice and tips.

flokka gives you a platform to promote both you and your business, develop new client relationships, make business alliances, and to give and receive referrals, support and encouragement.

flokka is also a community for women who want to make a difference… who want to influence positive change in their sphere of business, family and community lives… flokka gives you the platform to be heard, enter conversations and create dialogue.

University of Melbourne https://wordpress.org/showcase/university-of-melbourne/ Fri, 31 Oct 2008 22:04:33 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=699

Personal staff and student blogs at University of Melbourne

Reuters Blogs https://wordpress.org/showcase/reuters-blogs/ Fri, 31 Oct 2008 02:49:15 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=437

We combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the financial, legal, tax and accounting, scientific, healthcare and media markets, powered by the world’s most trusted news organization.

The Mozilla Blog https://wordpress.org/showcase/mozilla/ Fri, 17 Oct 2008 00:45:12 +0000 http://nickbook.local/?p=310

News, notes and ramblings from the Mozilla project – The Mozilla project is a global community of people who believe that openness, innovation, and opportunity are key to the continued health of the Internet. Since 1998, we’ve worked to ensure that the Internet is developed in a way that benefits everyone.
