Flavor: BuddyPress | WordPress.org https://wordpress.org/showcase The Best WordPress Sites in the World Sun, 04 Dec 2016 21:33:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2-alpha-54954 https://s.w.org/favicon.ico?2 Flavor: BuddyPress | WordPress.org https://wordpress.org/showcase 32 32 Independent Fashion Bloggers https://wordpress.org/showcase/independent-fashion-bloggers/ https://wordpress.org/showcase/independent-fashion-bloggers/#respond Mon, 14 Jan 2013 17:30:07 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=5356

 The world’s largest fashion blogging community.

Why it’s in the Showcase:  Custom Elgg to BuddyPress and bbPress migration. A 100% responsive design with 40,000 registered users and over 1 million visits a month.

https://wordpress.org/showcase/independent-fashion-bloggers/feed/ 0
Little Sketchers https://wordpress.org/showcase/little-sketchers/ https://wordpress.org/showcase/little-sketchers/#respond Mon, 29 Aug 2011 07:05:03 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=3398 Little Sketchers has been created as a chance for us all to re-live our own childhood. Little Sketchers lets you and your children create and share colorful sketches.

Why it’s in the Showcase: The site uses BuddyPress and multiple BuddyPress plugins to allow users to save and share SVG-generated sketches.

https://wordpress.org/showcase/little-sketchers/feed/ 0
Greek Schools’ Network https://wordpress.org/showcase/greek-schools-network/ https://wordpress.org/showcase/greek-schools-network/#respond Thu, 06 Jan 2011 05:34:32 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=2981

The official social network site for the members of Greek Schools’ Network (schools, teachers and students). A place to discuss and exchange ideas and to blog.

Why it’s in the Showcase: Greek Schools’ network is the largest educational-focused BuddyPress installation in Greece. It currently has approximately 7,500 members and has the potential to grow much larger.

https://wordpress.org/showcase/greek-schools-network/feed/ 0
UBC Blogs https://wordpress.org/showcase/ubc-blogs/ https://wordpress.org/showcase/ubc-blogs/#respond Fri, 08 Oct 2010 02:07:08 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=2831

UBC Blogs is going social. It is a site designed to support teaching and learning initiatives for student, staff and faculty for the University of British Columbia.

Why it’s in the Showcase: UBC Blogs is one of the biggest websites operated by UBC. The site has several thousand members and is a well-designed and well-integrated installation of BuddyPress.

https://wordpress.org/showcase/ubc-blogs/feed/ 0
Temple Fox MIS https://wordpress.org/showcase/temple-fox-mis/ Tue, 25 May 2010 01:33:21 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=2573

The new social media enabled site for the top 10 ranked Department of Management Information Systems, at the Fox School of Business, Temple University.

Why it’s in the Showcase: The Temple Fox MIS site applies WordPress MU and BudyPress to create an educational community in which close to a thousand members teach/take courses (as blogs), create personal e-portfolios (replacing student resumes), learn about and engage with each other (through BuddyPress), and aggregate their knowledge (through aggregated RSS feeds, e.g, of faculty research). The site uses WordPress MU and BuddyPress as a replacement for traditional websites, course management systems, portals, and traditional resumes to create an active open community. The site showcases the full power of MU as a CMS and BuddyPress as a social networking tool. More information about the site is available here.

Tasty Kitchen https://wordpress.org/showcase/tasty-kitchen/ Fri, 24 Jul 2009 04:06:19 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=2256

Tasty Kitchen is simple, just the way it should be! To search for specific recipes (Lasagna, Eggs Benedict, Chocolate Chip Cookies), just type the recipe in the search field at the top of the page. Or you can browse recipes by category: Main Dishes, Breakfast, Soups, Desserts, to name a few. Just take a look around and familiarize yourself. New recipes will be added every day.

Why it’s in the Showcase: The Tasty Kitchen is a well-designed, highly functional use of BuddyPress and WordPress. It lets members interact with each other, search recipes, and share their own cooking tips.

We Heart This https://wordpress.org/showcase/we-heart-this/ Mon, 23 Mar 2009 00:03:37 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=1814

Welcome to We Heart This, your one-stop source for all things worth loving! You have found THE place to discuss and discover things guaranteed to make your heart pound. We are dedicated to shamelessly discussing the stuff we adore; obsessing about the trivial right along with raving about the substantial. We cater to the savvy, modern woman. Someone who enjoys making informed purchases, uses her creativity to solve problems and looks forward to life’s little joys and sharing them with others. Someone just like you!

Why it’s in the Showcase: We Heart This is a major and well executed implementation of BuddyPress and WordPress. It also features a bbPress forum and a wide variety of original content.

Flokka https://wordpress.org/showcase/flokka/ Sat, 01 Nov 2008 06:35:23 +0000 http://wordpress.org/showcase/?p=725

flokka is a place for women in business and leadership… start-ups, mom-preneurs, solo-preneurs, intra-preneurs, self-employed, partners, business owners, managers, directors, CEOs, thought leaders, professionals and those dreaming of starting their own business… whether you work from home or city offices; whether you are based in the South Island of New Zealand or Manhattan; New York and whatever you do… this is a place for you.

flokka is designed to inspire, encourage and develop you and your business with practical and valuable business related resources, advice and tips.

flokka gives you a platform to promote both you and your business, develop new client relationships, make business alliances, and to give and receive referrals, support and encouragement.

flokka is also a community for women who want to make a difference… who want to influence positive change in their sphere of business, family and community lives… flokka gives you the platform to be heard, enter conversations and create dialogue.
