The new version of WordPress is out. You are encouraged to upgrade to the latest version now. Details are available on the main WordPress blog.
WordCamp Victoria 2013
The first Canadian WordCamp of 2013 is taking place in the far western region of Canada, Victoria BC. The event is set for January 12th at The University of Victoria. More details and registration can be found at
WordPress 3.5 is now out.
I would like to thank everybody that is using the Canadian English localization (l10n) of WordPress. We are currently over 4,000 downloads. We have now made the release.
The most amazing new feature is the new media manager. Hi-Res icons and images in the admin look so smooth. Everyone is truly going to love it. TwentyTwelve is the new default theme that will look as awesome to mobile and tablet users as your site to desktop/laptop users. There is also an new colour picker with an amazing API.
Updated WordPress 3.4.1
There is a new build released today of 3.4.1 it corrects spelling and grammatical errors on the Read Me and an incorrect translation in the Network admin.
WordPress 3.4.1 Maintenance and Security Release
WordPress 3.4.1 is now available for download. WordPress 3.4 has been a very smooth release, and copies are flying off the shelf — 3 million downloads in two weeks! This maintenance release addresses 18 bugs with version 3.4, including:
Fixes an issue where a theme’s page templates were sometimes not detected.
Addresses problems with some category permalink structures.
Better handling for plugins or themes loading JavaScript incorrectly.
Adds early support for uploading images on iOS 6 devices.
Allows for a technique commonly used by plugins to detect a network-wide activation.
Better compatibility with servers running certain versions of PHP (5.2.4, 5.4) or with uncommon setups (safe mode, open_basedir), which had caused warnings or in some cases prevented emails from being sent.
Version 3.4.1 also fixes a few security issues and contains some security hardening. The vulnerabilities included potential information disclosure as well as an bug that affects multisite installs with untrusted users. These issues were discovered and fixed by the WordPress security team.
WordPress 3.3.2 is out!
This has some security updates until 3.4 comes out next month. Go to auto-update and update now from your site’s admin section.
WordPress 3.3.1 is out.
Due to an issue with the API the localized auto update is not working. If you use the en_US option from the auto-upgrade page it should work okay. There are no new strings between 3.3 and 3.3.1 so all the updated files, less the readme.html will be updated.
I will post back here once this gets fixed.
It is now time to update WordPress.
Take a break from you Beaver, it is now time to update WordPress. With the release of WordPress 3.3 “Sonny”. Named after Sonny Stitt a.k.a the Lone Wolf. What better way to write about a lone wolf in the forests of Canada then in your long time favourite WordPress now available in for the first time in Canadian English.
To install this beautiful shiny new version from scratch visit the download section to the right on the homepage and grab a copy. Then follow the directions in the “Read Me” file.
If you already have WordPress installed (Pre 3.3), then you can use the automatic upgrade link to upgrade to the US English version of 3.3.
Once you have 3.3 then add the wp-contents/languages folder and it’s contents to your site, and in your wp-config.php file change wplang to en_CA. Also the version of TwentyTen and TwentyEleven that is included in the download contains the Canadian English language files. That’s it your done.
The easiest place to see that it worked is to go to Users > Your Profile. It will now ask you for “Admin Colour Scheme” as opposed to “Admin Color Scheme”.